Tuesday, November 25, 2008

cold birdie

my furnace is broken and i'm freezing my frickn ass off! it's the same temperature outside as it is inside and, considering its snowing...well you get the picture. i'm an ice-cube...in tights (i have dance tonight). we couldn't get it fixed yesterday, so this morning getting out of my nice warm bed was so hard i almost cried...then i left the shower on and turned on my hairdryer to warm up the room. for that, i must admit i feel guilty. i'm sorry fish, amazon animals and general environment of this planet! i was cold. oh, to top it all off, the chimney is busted too. that's right america, no cozy fire. i repeat: bbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......
oh, because of the assortment of broken utilities in our house, it is flooded with strange men of all ages. its also flooded with drop cloths, rocks, dust, tools, and noise. also, some of them are a bit off...
thankfully, i don't have to be here for the majority of the endeavor because i'm going to nebraska tomorrow morning for thanksmas! (to those of you who aren't my close friends or family, thanksmas is a combination of thanksgiving and christmas for which my ginormous extended family gathers to exchange gifts every thanksgiving) surprisingly, i'm actually very excited! i haven't seen most of my extended family in 2 or 3 years so i can't wait to see them all! and, on a more vain note, i can't wait for them to see how different i look (: hehe. i mean, i know i wont be getting any "wow! you've gotten so much taller since the last time i saw you!" because, frankly, i haven't. but i'm hoping for a couple "you look so much older!" or something like that, considering i sorta looked like an overgrown toddler last time i saw them.
in other news, i've acquired a new nickname! yeah, recently people have started calling me birdie because i sing so much xD not gonna lie: i love it.

"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul - and sings the tunes without the words - and never stops at all."

Monday, November 24, 2008

important message

ITS SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!

that is all.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


ok, i saw twilight this weekend...ok so I saw it twice...but the point is (though it physically pains me to say it) a year of hard work has just gone out of the Window. and by that i mean edward cullen has seduced me into falling in love with him. again. fuck. seriously! i wAs totally over the whole twilight craze until i saw the damN movie and now i'm going to compare every guy i see to edward and nothings going to be good enough! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. shank. my. life. i'm going to do my best To remember that he's a fictional character and no One that kind, sexy, considerate, musically talented, strong, Fast, beautifUl, i'm getting off track....anyway the point is i'm going to have to Continually remind myself that no one that perfect exists. when it was the booK character i was in love with i was able to get over it by reading his lines in a way that annoyed mE and other stuff like that but robert pattenson is so fucking good at playing that role that i cant even Do that! Why must he be so damn hot?! even though the movie was quite different from the book And left out a bunch of my favoRite parts, i still love it. and by "it" i mean "him." D

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

oh my fricking god WHY must i be devoured by wild animals!

haha. according to facebook...this is how ill die. it used to be a tragic and heroic hot air balloon accident, now its this:

Result: Devoured By Wolves

You're not very cautious when it comes to unfamiliar places, and you tend to react fast rather than think things out. That's why you're gonna be wolf meat.

Studies have shown that you're twice as likely to get hit by lightning than get attacked by wolves, so you're a pretty lucky duck. When that pack of wolves starts hunting you down, try throwing rocks at them to ward them off. Don't feed them anything or they might get aggressive when you run out of food. And don't carry around any babies with you. Wolves love eating babies.

and then there's this one: my apparent last words (a completely unrelated quiz mind you)

Result: Hey there, little kitty! What's your name?

You're friendly, docile and sweet. You settle your differences peacefully and you're always available to lend a hand. But sometimes you can be too friendly. Which wouldn't really be a problem, except for the day that bobcat escapes from the zoo.

The good news is, you're going to live a great life. You'll have lots of friends, and all of them would give you the world if you asked for it. Too bad you didn't ask them for a stun gun.


to my great despair, yes, i forgot to blog about halloween. choke me. eat me. call me a hypocrite. do what you want, i deserve it all. i'm going to do one now:

so i was an old, abandoned baby-doll for halloween. it was pretty frickin' shweet. i picked out my costume at goodwill and my closet and it
was the bomb-dot-com. here, ill post a picture, its on the left....im the one on the left...er. hehe. anypoo, i went trick-o-treating (yup. i still do that. you're jealous. i can feel it.) w/ allee, then emma, jeanette, emily and i went back to my house (after driving around the town for like an hour) and watched scary movie 3 which was hil-frickin-arious xD ! however, there were some parts of the movie that were...ummm...startling. hah. yeah....we screamed...a lot...pathetic? yes. but fun. then, after it was over, i turned the tv to fuzzy and emma screamed for about 5 minutes. haha, mean, i know. but, again: funny. after that we watched scrubs for a while and allee and emily slept over. emily was really tired so she ended up going upstairs to sleepin my bed (which she claimed was so comfy she tried to sneak it out the window and back to her place) and allee and i stayed up talking till about....4am. haha. about what? polotics, life, love, world hunger, philosophy...etc. think i'm kidding? nope. i'm not. we're really that cerebral. then, in the morning...or...later that morning we went for a walk in the woods and hung out by this old wrecked car from the 1920s and found an antique horn and a bird cage that we took home. its amazing what you find off the beaten path. oh yeah, and we had cupcakes x)

"One need not be a chamber to be haunted;
One need not be a house;
The brain has corridors surpassing
Material place.

i'm back x) (with bad puns as an added bonus!)

wow. i haven't posted anything since republicans still ruled the white house! haha. suck it republicans. you lost. and now america might be a happy place again! xD. praise buddha! hehe. seriously though, i think obama will be good for this country. granted, i don't know that, but at the very least he'll bring change. for better or for worst, we need change. we're hanging around in the lower portion of middle ground and we're either gonna fall or fly, it's time to figure out which its gonna be.
more big news, the crucible's done ): boohoo T_T but it was pretty fantastic! we got mixed reviews from the audience. the responses ranged from "it was loud and boring and i didn't understand it" to "that was the most fantastic high school play i've ever had the privilege to see" ...yeah. pretty big range. who knows, i thought it was pretty good (: sadly, i am now deprived of shortpeople hugs! they're quite hard to find when, well, frankly everyone in the building is taller than you. i only wish i could find jeans to match my genes....haha. see the pun? who cares. it sucked.
in other news, exams have both commenced and ceased since my last post, which is one of the primary reasons i haven't blogged in a while (the other ones including tech week, performances, a heavy homework load, and barry manolo. why barry manolo? who knows. guess it just slipped out.) anywhoo, exams went well and i got a's (: well, i got an a- in science....but mr. stupid is a master of douchebaggery so it doesn't count. thankfully, i am now free of the douche for 2 1/2 months! hehe. yay (: plus i did some pretty creative doodles after my engish and geometry exams <--- the upside of big icky tests
finally, on the bus today me, bear and chloe had a 35 minute discussion about the frequent use of gingers in cartoons. honestly, think of any cartoon and there will be a ginger in it. i bet u 5...somethings. (i'm broke) that is all.

"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?"

Friday, October 24, 2008

the demon pregnancy test of world war 3

so, i know i haven't blogged in a forever equal to the three days, so imma start with oh. my. god. sweeney todd was the bomb dot com. it was better than the movie by a thousand fold at least...yeah, waaay more than a thousand fold. like a gagillionplex...fold.... umm...the point is it was fantastic and anyone who hasn't seen it is very very very deprived. because om. mmy. ygod. it. twas. samazing.i don't know why i did that weird letter thing. dont question me. anywhoo, our seats were totally in the peanut gallery (for serious, the balcony is in the stratosphere) and we couldn't see their faces, so at intermission my and taylor snuck down into the sixths row ground level because the tickets for that good of seats are so expensive that like no one was sitting there. so we just walked in like we owned the place and no one checked our tickets. apparently they were checking tickets in the mezzanine, but they probably figured nobody would have the balls to sneak all they way to the floor haha. so we were so close that we could see their mic tape! it was unbelievable. and, back to the show itself, the actors were the best i've ever seen, i swear it. they were the actors, the crew, the chorus and, to top off the talent explosion, they were also the orchestra. yeah. that's right. they all played instruments too. my head pretty much went supernova. they were like...super beings or something. the talent was too much to comprehend. bt dubbs: toby = mine. just to let y'all know.
on the subject of....actually there is no correlation between this subject and the last one. but anyway, 2 mornings ago i was going through my locker trying to find a book that it ate and i came across this little pink oval/cylinder-ish type thing (it was kinda nail file shaped....but hollow) me and my friends were trying to figure out what is was (and why the hell it was in my locker in the first place) when someone blurted out "it looks like a pregnancy test! hahahahaha" and we all cracked up and were coming up with possible reasons for a pregnancy test to be in my locker and all that and it turned into a this huge joke that was passed from class to class and whatnot. the, in choir, i decided i should go up to one of my guy friends, shove the thing into their hand and scream "your the father! happy?" and storm off and create a huge scene in the hallway, confuse the living shit out of him, etc. so, on my way to lunch i shoved it into austin's hand, bla bla bla, and stormed off "crying" his face was priceless. honestly. it was funny as hell. it only took him a couple seconds to figure out i was joking, though, and he proceeded to chuck the "pregnancy test" at my friend jill (yeah, marker war jill) why jill and not me? because he hates jill. that's why. muahahaha. yeah. fun day for me
ok, y'all ready for this? the final out turn of the epic marker war between america and japan/russia. if u remember, last time i blogged the score was america: 1, russia/japan: 2 and america had gained an advantage in allies and atom bombs. well, i got to school on wednesday and the battlefield was infested thoroughly with atom bombs, allies and anti-russianese spirits. so.....i forfeited the war. wimpy, i know. but even the mighty must fall. so yeah, america won. boo.
omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg im visiting the academy in 2 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
w gfhfnshfjsnhfkjnsnfhsdhfgdshjfldshfusdgfhusdgfhbgdsjhfkhdsfhsdoifhsdhfhjdsghsb hshgsdhfgsdhgfhsfshgfsgfjkgdsfk hjfsdfujshjfshd
i'm so excited
i could eat a squirrels butt
that doesn't even make sense
who cares
i get to see my wife
"Some cupid kills with arrows, some with traps."